NAHJ’s LatinCon 2015

Data Journalism Workshop at NAHJ’s 2015 LatinCon, Los Angeles–March 2015

Partnered up with developer/reporter/photographer Lucio Villa to lead this workshop about using data portals, visualizing data, using open source tools, and building a static webpage.

Here are the materials we used to teach the class:

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 4.37.31 PM

Migrahack Training Day at California State University, Northridge

Workshop at Migrahack Training Day at California State University, Northridge—May 2014

I led a workshop titled ‘Intro to Data Viz.’ The training introduced journalism students and professors to online and open-sourced tools to produce and build data visualizations. This included presenting how data is stored and used in these tools, as a .csv or .json file. The workshop also taught basic coding to understand how to embed a project, and change some styling.

The tools in the workshop included Infogram, Google Maps, Fusion Tables, Timeline JS, StoryMap JS, and Leaflet. For Leaflet, which was the most advanced tool in the workshop, I focused on how they can use a text editor (Sublime) and how they can use inspect element in Google Chrome to understand the structure of an interactive project.

Syllabus for the Workshop

Migrahack at CSUN